With that said, it's probably pretty important to document the unfortunate happenings of last weekend. Late Sunday afternoon William decided to flip himself off Dave and my bed in the two seconds that Dave turned his back. I knew immediately that he was hurt in a way he'd never been hurt before because of the tone in his cry. After waiting it out for a couple hours, during which he could be consoled only momentarily, I decided to take him into the ER. After an x-ray of his lower body (the region I was able to pin-point his injury) they confirmed that he had a broken femur, just above his knee. William was sent home wearing a plaster splint and we were given directions to contact orthopedics first thing in the morning.
(Daddy & William, late Sunday night)
Unfortunately, we didn’t even make it home before the cast started slipping off William’s chunky thigh and so, we returned to the orthopedic office later that afternoon to confirm that we did in fact need to have the spica cast put on to ensure proper healing. The next morning we got the good news that the break was aligned correctly, meaning surgery was not necessary! Additionally, the original estimate of 8-12 weeks healing time that we were given in the ER was modified down to 3-4 weeks - AMAZING news! After visiting with the doctor he sent us to get a hip-to-toe cast, with a warning that it might not be possible to get a good enough fit on the cast, in which cast we would need to resort to a dreaded spica cast. So, off we went to have the hip-to-toe cast applied - keeping our fingers crossed that it would do the trick!
(William's hip-to-toe cast -- just a couple hours after it was put on, already sliding off his leg!)
That night we divided the bigger kids between Mama & Papa Millers' (they got Ellie and James) and Mama & Papa Hayes' (they got Russell and Belle). The next morning William, Dave, and I checked in at the hospital bright and early so that William could be given general anesthesia for the application of the spica cast. (By this time William was no longer in pain from the break - so that was a relief, though he *really* wanted to eat, and we weren't allowed to feed him until after the procedure.)
William did great for the procedure, and although it was (and still is!) really hard to comprehend *why* our little fellow needs such a HUGE cast - we were so relieved that everything went okay and that we could finally start the healing process. Although his mobility is severely limited, William is making the best of the situation and other than wanting to be held lots (which I'm more than happy to do, I just worry that my back will have permanent damage after toting around his bulk for the next several weeks!), he is really a very happy little kiddo!
Thankfully, a friend of mine brought over some size 24 month outfits with button-up legs and they fit him! For some reason, psychologically it is *so* much easier for me when the casts are hidden from view! The estimates for his recovery time have been increased back up to 4-6 weeks, but we've got the first week down in the books already! Although I hate to wish away any time I get to spend with my kiddos while they are little, I'll be counting down the days until this cast come off!
p.s. If you are counting Miller kid broken bones: William had #1 (broken collar bone during delivery), Ellie had #2 (broken humerus), William #3 (broken femur)... I'm wondering if it's possible to keep this count on one hand?!
William did great for the procedure, and although it was (and still is!) really hard to comprehend *why* our little fellow needs such a HUGE cast - we were so relieved that everything went okay and that we could finally start the healing process. Although his mobility is severely limited, William is making the best of the situation and other than wanting to be held lots (which I'm more than happy to do, I just worry that my back will have permanent damage after toting around his bulk for the next several weeks!), he is really a very happy little kiddo!
Thankfully, a friend of mine brought over some size 24 month outfits with button-up legs and they fit him! For some reason, psychologically it is *so* much easier for me when the casts are hidden from view! The estimates for his recovery time have been increased back up to 4-6 weeks, but we've got the first week down in the books already! Although I hate to wish away any time I get to spend with my kiddos while they are little, I'll be counting down the days until this cast come off!
p.s. If you are counting Miller kid broken bones: William had #1 (broken collar bone during delivery), Ellie had #2 (broken humerus), William #3 (broken femur)... I'm wondering if it's possible to keep this count on one hand?!