Thursday, August 9, 2012

2011-2012 Photos of School Year in Review: James

This past school year I considered James "Pre-K", so this year he will be in Kindergarten. My biggest goal for him this coming year is to master reading.  He can read most three and four letter words, plus over a hundred sight words - but he still struggles when encountering a word he hasn't seen before.  He'll be joining Belle and Russell for science, history, and Spanish lessons, but we'll be doing his own thing for reading, writing/handwriting, math, and music.  In addition, I'm going to devote one hour, four days a week to doing a fun preschool/K lesson with James and Ellie Jo. 

Below are some of my favorite photos of James from the past school year.  Today we celebrated his fifth birthday (which means we also celebrated Dave and my 9th anniversary)... where has the time gone?! 
James (1st day of Pre-K, August 2011)
James (1st day of Pre-K, August 2011)
Daddy & James (1st day of Pre-K, August 2011)
James & Ellie (September 2011)
Jorgensons, Ben Rosen, and Miller Family (Fire station Field trip, September 2011)
Ben & James (Pumpkin Patch, October 2011)
Ellie Jo, Ben, Teddy, Belle, James, William, & Russell (Halloween, October 2011)
James & William (November 2011)
Russell & James (Christmas Eve, 2011)
James (December 2011)
Lance B. & James (yes, I know James' eyes are closed, but I just adore this photo... February 2012)
James (February 2012)
James (March 2012)
James (March 2012)
James & Russell (March 2012)
James (April 2012)
James, Russell, & Ellie Jo (April 2012)
James & William (April 2012)
James (April 2012)
p.s. I didn't start school last Monday like I had originally planned... I'm hopeful I'll get enough organized/planned to be able to start this coming Monday!

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